Saturday, December 8, 2007

Good morning

This is not just a greeting--we really had a good morning. Joseph woke up at 8:30 after a good night's sleep (with a few wakings). He sat up on the couch and watched his new train go around the track for a long time, then he sat up completely on his own and fed himself 2.5 bowls of cereal. We got out his new play-doh set and he and Holly and Daddy made "spaghetti." He even walked around with help and was smiling and enjoying himself more than he has in a long time. It was like he woke up and forgot he had had surgery and wasn't feeling well. We praise God for his small daily improvements. I'm trying to add photos so hopefully they will post okay.
Oh, and Scott, to answer your question about toys. Joseph has gotten some wonderful toys--we have even had to put some away to present later or for Christmas. Thank you all for the sweet presents. He has or will enjoy all of them. So I would say to hold off for now. We'll let you know if he is just begging for a Wii or something (or if Allen is). :) But I think I have to side with Paige on that one. Just say No!


Anonymous said...

Our hearts are full of joy and thankfulness! Praise God! (And thanks for including current pictures.) We love you and are continuing to pray,
Mel, Steve, and kids

Craig and Gwen said...

KJ just saw the photo and squealed
"It's Joseph!" - exactly what I thought we I saw the photo - it is Joseph being Joseph - and I just praise God for that! Thanks for keeping us updated and for the GREAT pics!


Anonymous said...

What a joy it is to see Joe P's smiling face! Thanks for posting those photos. Speaking of photos, feel free to replace that one on the front page...I look kind of crazy in it.

I pray for a good day for you guys, and that giving him his medicine gets a little easier.

Love y'all,
Uncle Matt B

PS - You're right about the's a bad idea. A better idea is a Xbox 360 w/ Halo 3.

Anonymous said...

He tries to get everyone a Wii so he can live vicariously through them. Stand firm!! :)

Anonymous said...

I am so encouraged by yalls joy. He looks so good!! Praying for healing, rest, and recovery.
Sara B

Anonymous said...

Thanks for continuing to update Blog. I LOVE the pictures and glad being home helped with his eating and sleeping. I am so encouraged by your joy. I am continue to pray for healing, rest, and recovery for all of you all. Love, Jody

Brooke said...

Thanks for updating us - and Hooray! for playdough spaghetti! Great to see Joseph's smiling face! There's nothing like being home!

Anonymous said...

What a surprise it was to open up the computer and see Joseph's sweet smiling face!! Good job with the play dough, Joe P.
So glad he had a good night's sleep. Hope you, Allen, and Holly got one, too.
Jennifer said Joe was even playing his favorite game, Chase, with some help! Big Daddy can't wait to play it with you again.
We love you and are praying for you constantly, Mimi & Big Daddy

Anonymous said...

We are sooooo thankful to see Joseph smiling. How precious. Everyone is still praying fervently. Love to all, Karl and Martha

Sarah Partain said...

It is so great to hear that you all are recovering well from last week. These little milestones are something to be celebrated--progress is good! We will continue to pray for you all as you seek the right treatments, as you go through them and as your journey continues. Hopefully you can take comfort in knowing that our lives, our children's and family's lives are not our own, but belong to our heavenly father, who loves us and works everything out for our good. And you've inspired me to enjoy Amos more, to relax and give more hugs and kisses than no no's and reprimands! --Sarah Partain

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Good morning indeed!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Yay for Joseph! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for taking time from your first full day at home to post the news and photos of Joe P.'s improvement! You brought smiles to the faces of blog-readers all over the world :)

Vann and Norma said...

You have made our day!!! Thanks so much for the pictures. Never thought we would be so happy to see a child play with playdough!!! Rest, peace, healing, wisdom -- we continue to pray.
love, norma & vann

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! So glad to hear some uplifting news. So many prayers, so many things to be thankful for. I am thankful for your good morning, for playdough spaghetti, and for all things that feel comforting. You are continually lifted up at St. Pius and are now on the mass intentions list for the entire student body. Joe's name will be read out this Wed., Dec. 12. That's 1200 people praying right there!

Eleanor and Neil said...

Its really great to see photos of Joe and we are so glad he is home.He is so cute! His cousins are thrilled to see him on the screen!
Love to you all.
Eleanor,Neil and Kids.

Mary Vagnoni said...

A picture really does say a thousand words, it is wonderful to Joe's smiling face

Anonymous said...

I love you guys soo much and I am so happy and excited for you to be home! I'm praying for both of you, jophus, and holly bear : )

The Morginskys said...

Gillian! What a cutie!!! So glad he is up and having fun with the family! Praying that these 3 weeks would be Great ones!

Anonymous said...

Sovereign King,

Great and mighty Healer...we moan words that mean nothing and ask
your Spirit to intercede as promised. Interpret our broken hearts,
rushing the words of pleading to your throne of power, grace and mercy.

We ask especially today for our dearest Pauline, who spends most of
the hours you give her each day tending to the needs of others. We
ask that she be tended to...that she be ministered to by your very
hand. Lord of all grace...give her your unfailing grace today in the
most real and practical ways.

Bring the Taaffe and Peabody families together in a way that is bound
for eternity. Bring them together with such a bond that Satan cannot
sway, alter, conquer or divide. Move their hearts and minds into a
commitment of oneness that cannot be prevailed against.

Divine One, give us something to do...something that would help,
encourage, or assure...and if not that, let our minds and hearts rest
in peace knowing you are taking care of it for all of us.

We praise you and bow before your Sovereign Will.

LR said...

What good news that Joseph is eating, playing & sleeping. We continue to pray for his healing, your patience & wisdom, and for some good family time. Thanks for taking the time to let us know how Joseph is progressing. We love you all, Scott & Linda

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I checked the blog tonight! What a treat to see pictures of cutie pie Joseph. We will continue to pray for Joseph to rest well and regain strength after the surgery. I can only imagine how wonderful it must be to be all home together...playing play-doh and enjoying some new toys. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow.
With love in Christ,

Anonymous said...

we are praying for joseph and your family.

courtney said...

Hallelujah!! Joseph looks awesome! I'm so thankful that you all are home together and getting back into a routine. That can make such a difference in so many ways. Every where I go I run into people who are praying for Joseph. Praying for wisdom for you and Allen and continued strides for Joseph...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics. It's so good to see him smiling!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting the recent pictures of Joseph. He looks sooo good!!!! I am so happy you are all finally home. What a wonderful gift from God. You guys amaze me. What heros!!!! We will be praying about your huge decision and what to do next and for Joseph to get stronger and stronger. We love you! Liz and Billy

Tammy Beaver said...

Thanks for sharing Joseph's precious smile with all fo us! God is answering so many prayers. So happy it was a good day.

BTW, if you decide to break down and get a Wii, Steve found a great little secret on how to get one...

Sally said...

Gillian & Allen,
I want to echo the comments of others with thanks for updating this blog. It's good to hear you're home. We've been drawn closer to Christ as we pray for you throughout each day. I was struck by this song and am praying it for Joseph.
"I cry out for Your hand of mercy to heal me,
For I am weak, and I need Your love to free me.
O Lord, my Rock, my strength in weakness,
Come rescue me, O Lord."

Sally, Wes & Evan

Anonymous said...

the only reason I know about sweet joseph is from being friends with david. just wanted to say that my heart is aching for you and I am constantly in prayer for your family. remember that the lord is closest to us when we are suffering. . .and I am trusting that the lord will surround you with his awesome peace and his captivating presence.

"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?"
Romans 8:31

Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful that you're finding time to update all of us when you probably just want to rest for a minute. It makes my heart warm to see Joseph's sweet smiling face. I'm praying that being home in the comfort of familiarity will speed his recovery.

Jesus, King of angels, heaven's light,
Shine Your face upon this house tonight.
Let no evil come into my dreams;
Light of heaven, keep me in Your peace.


Chloë said...

what a gorgeous charming sweet young man. And it looks like good spaghetti Joseph. Now, when you gonna have me over so I can try some! Love Clo (your Irish aunt/cousin). XXX

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Love the pics of Joesph! What a wonderful way to start my morning. I hope and pray last night was a good one too. Love you all! Anna

Anonymous said...

It is such an encouragement to see Joseph's big smile and to hear about what a good day you all had. I pray that these weeks before treatment starts will be some of the sweetest your family has ever experienced- and that Joseph will be rested and strong for the treatment. Thank you for sharing!
PS- Rob is on the Wii-wanting train also, but so far he hasn't convinced me :) I do think that over Thanksgiving he succeded in convincing my dad that it is just what every 55 year old man needs!

Anonymous said...

God has given me a few scriptures for you. God "IS" love. Read Isaiah 43:1-4.
Just remember, God has or never will leave you. People are praying for you and your family all over the world.

Laurie in Ca. said...

Kids are so resilient aren't they?
Joseph looks so good and so happy. I am praying for him daily that the Lord will heal him and his recovery is easy on his little body. He is so cute and a good appetite too. Praying for peace for your family and Gods assurance that He will be with you through this difficult time. Gods rest and comfort to you all.

Laurie in Ca.

Anonymous said...

hey gillo,
miss you and love you.
sent you an email.

Anonymous said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Rejoicing in your good news of being home and continuing to pray for decisions ahead.

We wait in hope for the Lord;
He is our help and shield.
In Him our hearts rejoice,
for we trust in His holy name.
May your unfailing love rest upon the Peabodys, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you.
~Psalm 33:20-22

Grace and peace,
Betsy Huey

The Johnson Kids said...

We celebrate your homecoming with you and Pray for contant improvements as well as treatment for him in the near future. Thank you for keeping us posted with such sweet pictures of him!

Anonymous said...

Funny how it's the little things that bring so much joy during difficult time. We will be praying for Joseph and for you.

Sorry, we don't know any penguins, but we've got some peeps in South Africa and New Zealand so we'll get them on board.

(And I'll toss my vote in for a Wii)

Mary Vagnoni said...

Hi Gillian and Allen, just got back from church and had a mass dedicated to Joseph for this Tuesday morning here in Bogota.
Te Amo
Aunty Mary

Anonymous said...

Prayed by Dr. Tom Farmer, the pastors and people of St. Paul United Methodist Church, Largo, Fl.

God never gives up on us! God still hears the prayers of His people and meets their every need with his Redeemng, Forgiving Love.

Mary Lou

Christy said...

This has just made my day. Peabody Playdough Pasta ... yum!

Anonymous said...

So glad you are all home together again. The pictures are great. We continue to pray for your adjustment at home now and Joseph's healing and progress. Hope you have a blessed sabbath today!
the terrells

Brea said...

So encouraging!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Jesus, for allowing Allen, Gillian, Joseph and Holly to be
all together at home.

We stand together as witnesses that you are good. And we ask you for
wisdom...wisdom for Allen and Gillian as they explore options and
possibilities for Joseph, wisdom for themselves as a new normal makes
its way into their patterns of living daily, wisdom to know and
understand fully what You want for them during this time of uncertainty.

Home...we thank you again for that. We thank you and praise you for
the unbounded care you have provided for the Peabody family. You
have lifted them up, provided for their every need and given them the
assurance that you notice the details.

We praise you, Lord Most High, King of our Hearts, and Healer of all
our Wounds...we praise you.

Lynn T said...

Hi Gill and Allen,

So happy to see Joe's smiling face. Miss you all,



Anonymous said...

I am SO thrilled to hear Joseph is at home and happy! These "good mornings" are such a blessing :-) I am confident whichever treatment option you decide for Joseph will be the right one.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little boy. Joseph has been in our families thoughts and prayers.Glad he had a restful night sleep.

Paige Meier (friend of Margaret Wise)

Anonymous said...

Keep the photos coming!!! We will be praying for you and Allen as you make some difficult decision in the next couple of days. Praying also for patience and the meeting with the doctor on Thursday. =)
We love you guys!
BJ, Beth, Logan and Disney

Unknown said...

Gillian and Allen,
I just found out about Joseph and my heart aches for you all. Please know you are in our prayers.

Richard and Claudia Wright

Anonymous said...

Such precious pictures! Our family prayed for all of you around the table tonight. You are constantly on our minds and in our prayers.
in Christ's love-- Doug, Amber, Eliza and Jude Hess

Emily D. said...

Gillian and Allen,
Thanks so much for putting those pictures up. That really just lifted my heart. I am dying to help in any way, but I'm sure you guys are overwhelmed with help right now. I would love to bring Connor over to see Joseph, but I understand if you want to limit who he sees right now. I'll give you a call first. We have prayed for Joseph's sleep every night. I will definitely being praying for you this week as you decide on tx options. You two really amaze me. You are truly great parents.

Rachel Garcia, CD(DONA) said...

I am so glad he had a good morning. I am praying for you and for your sweet son. I do pray the Lord will heal him completely.

Jennifer said...

Hey guys - I made it home OK - Miss you greatly already. Leaving is no fun. Hope he sleeps well tonight. I love you guys. You are doing an amazing job caring for both Joe and Holly. You are a great team. I'm so proud of you. And proud of Joe. Give him a white balloon for me. And a boo cox.

Anonymous said...

Good morning is right! What a joy to see these pictures and see that he is continuing his trend of improving every day. Matthew is so excited that GeeGee is feeling better!

nannykim said...

Praying for you all and thankful for you for the blessings of "simple" things such as eating cereal! ;-)

Chels said...

Praise God! What a blessing it is to know that your prayers for the transition back home is coming true and one by one he is acting more and more like the strong little boy you know he is! I just wanted to remind you that the "good morning" is a direct answered prayer. Our Father is watching out for him. We're still praying - Chelsea

Anonymous said...

So glad he is HOME! I'm Jennifer's friend and don't know you all, but have been following Joseph's progress via the blog. I wanted y'all to know that my 2 year old daughter is praying for him (and all of you) every night along with her dad and me. We will continue to pray for Joseph's continued healing and for you as you seek guidance in your decision making.

Cece and family (from Memphis)

Anonymous said...

Lovely to see Joseph enjoying himself. Said a special prayer at Mass yesterday for him in Matawan, NJ yesterday. Love to you and your extended family.

Susan and Brian

Anonymous said...

What a sweet beautiful boy Joseph is. Those pictures warmed my heart with joy. We continue to pray for you.

Anonymous said...

How is Joseph doing this morning? His pictures look GREAT! Our Sunday School class and friends continue to pray along with us. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Allen and Gillian,
I am praying for Joseph every day, for his recovery yes, but also for you as his parents to have strength and faith to make it through this trial.
Janice Herbert-Carter

Charles said...

Your brother Matt P works for me and the day he came into my office and told me what was going on I have not stopped thinking of all of you. Joseph has touched so many lives in such a short time. Our prayers are with all of you.

Charles G.

Anonymous said...

I hope this week is filled with Good Mornings. Thanks for the pics.

Still in prayer...

carolyn & dave

Anonymous said...

Allen, Gillian, Joe & Holly...
thanks for sharing that sweet glad you are home! i'll continue to pray that you have peace, comfort & wisdom!


Anonymous said...

Great to see such a happy picture. So happy for you that you're home.
Catherine & family xxx

Anonymous said...

You do not know me. I received a church prayer request submitted by Amelia Christmann with a link to your blog. I just wanted you to know that I too was told that I had a 20% chance that I would make the 5 year mark. . . that was 10 years ago, and I am still cancer free! Praise God, He has a plan! I am now married and have a 2 month old daughter.
I am praying for you and your family.

Elizabeth S said...

I thought you would like to know that I forwarded this site and prayer request to someone who could get it to our missionaries in Africa. Only one continent to go!

Unknown said...

Hi there,

Saw the news in Skyline's bulletin and wanted to let you know that down here in Gosford, Australia, there are families praying for Joseph and you both.

Playdough is very therapeutic here, too! :-)

Anonymous said...

Today when I picked up my children from NHA the first thing they told me when they got in the car was "Joseph is able to sit up and walk with some help now!!!" (Apparently I didn't include those specific details when I updated them this weekend, so they were very quick to be sure I knew!) So I just wanted you all to know that the NHA family continues to pray at school, our 1st grader's Sunday school class at CCC prayed for him yesterday, and we continue to pray at home. Your family has become a part of ours and we will continue to pray for Joseph's healing and that you will feel confident in the direction God is leading you in this very difficult journey. We are thrilled Joseph is doing so well right now and it is such a joy to see his precious little happy face on your blog - thank you for sharing that with us!

Anonymous said...

We are thrilled that Joseph is back home! We will keep praying for his recovery every step of the way!

Love, Bill and Lisa Allen

trmills said...

You're on our minds today, Peabodys. Praying for your continued encouragement, and most especially for wisdom in all the decisions ahead. Love to you all...

Rhianna, Tim, Emmy and Asa

Anonymous said...